
Project: Paint Pink was started in March 2009 as a way to provide support and encouragement for Warmachine and Hordes players who are painting armies to promote breast cancer awareness. It is designed for new and veteran players and painters alike.

The goal of Project: Paint Pink is to motivate players and painters to complete their armies in time for Breast Cancer Brawl events held in October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Players have the option to keep the armies they paint or auction them off for charity and donate the proceeds toward promoting breast cancer awareness. You are not required to auction your army to be a part of Project: Paint Pink

4 responses to “About

  1. Devilsquid

    A fantastic idea! I’ll be certain to log my progress with my Pink Pachydem Posse.

    Think Pink!

  2. Eldargod

    Fantastic. I do not yet have any of my own models with a pink scheme, but I am painting a Khador army for a friend at the LGS in Breast Cancer Awareness pink. Sorscha is the first model done; Behemoth is soon to follow.

    Once I get those two done I will gladly post photos and apprise everyone of continued progress.

    Now the question is: What army do I paint pink for myself…9 factions, scads of casters…your votes?

    • If you’re planning on painting up a pink army, I’d be happy to add you to the blog. It doesn’t have to be Warmachine or Hordes. I think it would be great to see some GW armies in pink too. 🙂

  3. Eldargod

    Well due to the pace of life, I’ve been on here occassionally but haven’t been able to post much of anything. However, today is the Breast Cancer Brawl I’m running. Here’s hoping for a big turnout!

    Along with the tournament, the LGS store owner has organized a Save The Boobies Bake Sale. She’s so cool that way!

    I’ll be putting up a 750pt Morvahna list for auction as soon as I get the rest of it painted and all proceeds will be going to Susan G. Komen. I’ll try to make sure and post photos here for both it and a pink Khador army I’m painting on commission!

    Best to all and SAVE THE TA-TAS!

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